Vision and Intent

We are a multi-faith school, offering an intellectually challenging and personally enriching, varied RE curriculum, which aims to apply the skills of enquiry, reflection and debate, to real-life experiences and events within our multi-religious and multi-secular world. Our RE and Worldviews intent is:

“For children to explore big questions about life, to find out what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that pupils can make sense of religion and worldviews, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living.”


Children are taught about a range of religions, learning to respect and enquire about different cultures and traditions and practices around the world, as well as those around us at a local level. They are taught to think about their school and personal beliefs, values and priorities, while considering how people from differing backgrounds, practices and ways of life may share these ideas, or differ in their beliefs.

The modern-day relevance of R.E. is highlighted through the study and celebration of festivals and special days across the year, both locally and globally, with a consideration of how religious beliefs shape these events and the meaning behind them.

In R.E. lessons, pupils will be asked to develop critical thinking skills, often outside their comfort zone, to promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, our ‘REsearchers’ playing a key role in this approach.

Religious elements are covered in many curriculum areas, as part of the school’s creative cross-curricular approach to teaching. A key theme integrated throughout our curriculum is faith and belief and we’ll make use of this when linking the locally agreed syllabus to our own UPS Curriculum, offering our pupils contextual links to broaden their understanding and open their eyes to the vast array of different faiths and beliefs throughout the world and throughout history.

UPS is also committed to an inclusive and supportive anti-racist approach to teaching and learning and this is reflected in the school’s culture and the expectations when teaching and learning.

RE Curriculum

Trafford's agreed Syllabus for the teaching and learning of Religious Education can be found here:

MSSTT agreed R.E. syllabus 22-27

RE Foundation Stage Planning

RE Key Stage 1

RE Lower Key Stage 2

RE Upper Key Stage 2


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