Being a Behaviour Detective

Please click on the link above for the slides for the workshop we've had for 'Being a Behaviour Detective'. Both parents and staff benefitted from the expertise of Jackie Tarpey, the local authority's Autism and Social Communication Specialist.

The training was hugely beneficial for all and reminded us of how important it is to know our children, to not judge but to spend the time trying to understand them, validate their emotions and understand that 'behaviour is communication'. We want them to grow up as confident, empathetic and resilient young people and getting this right forms a key part of this.

As a school it is our job to get this right - we won't always straight away...each child is different...but we're hoping we certainly keep learning and will get it right more often than not!


Connecting with our Children

Thank you to everyone who attended our first workshop with Child and Family Therapist Megan Barber. The large number of you attending shows just how important the discussions were. Megan will join us for a follow up workshop after the February half term. The slides, and resources (The Brain Child fridge sheet and No Drama Discipline), are below. The follow up workshop focused on 'Empowering our children whilst transforming ourselves' and looked at the PACE approach to our interactions with our children, something that we use here in school too. Please see the appendices in our Relational Behaviour and Regulation Policy, as well as the slides to that second workshop below.

Supporting you and your child to lead a well-balanced, meaningful and connected life

The Whole Brain Child (fridge sheet)

No Drama Discipline


Guide to What Support is on offer in Trafford

Life is pretty complex at the moment and we all need a bit of help now and again. Take a look at the guide below which offers information on what is out there in Trafford to support you and your children...

Guide to what support is on offer in Trafford...


KS1 Phonics and reading workshop Dec 2023

KS2 Reading Workshop Dec 23

Principles of Learning!

We had a parent meeting about some basic principles of learning at UPS. It evoked questions about how children are supported, challenged and assessed. If you have any further questions or need the slides (which are below) to be explained in more detail, please do let us know! We also discussed how we are starting our metacognition journey to becoming a Thinking School and Mrs Marsland touched on this at the meeting too. Again, see the slides below...

Principles of learning meeting



Year group recommended reads!

Ten a term

If you find it difficult to know what books your children could get into, take a look at the files below for some ideas, or...just ask us for some ideas!

Year group recommended reads

Please see below the slides for the KS1 Reading and Phonics workshop...

KS1 Reading and Phonics workshop October 2022

...and here for the KS2 Reading workshop documentation...

KS2 Reading workshop Oct 2022

Year 1 Phonics Meeting resources 2021

Please see all of the useful resources to help your children with their phonics and reading at home...

A recording of the meeting is here... 1 Reading and Phonics Meeting

...and the follow up questions are here...

Follow up questions


Phase 4 Explanation and Overview

An overview and explanation of Phase 4 phonics - what we'll be looking at, at school and some focus for you (along with reading books) at home!



Nursery Parents and Carers - as promised, see below our slides from the information evening...

Nursery Information slides


Reception parents - please see the slides below for the Reception Phonics and Curriculum meeting!...

EYFS Meetings

Reception Information slides

Year Group Targets

KS1 Literacy workshop resources March 2020

Reading Workshop Powerpoint and resources

Writing Workshop Powerpoint and resources

KS2 Spelling Workshop Powerpoint and resources

Spelling lists and expectations

Maths for Parents (Coming soon)


Active Maths: Maths of the Day

This is a link for UPS parents...a wonderful resource to get our children moving and learning at the same time!


Guide to ADHD leaflet


Times tables rock stars

Get working on those times tables know your logins!


Active learn reading

Urmston Primary uses Bug Club to support our children's reading and spelling. You can access online reading through the link above!

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